Interstellar Panini Panic

"This time you've REALLY got yourself into trouble. Why did you have to take that loan from Axatorian of all people? Now you've ended up as an unpaid intern in his new sandwich establishment. Try to survive as long as you can!"


You can play this game entirely with just a mouse.

You can also use “1”, “2” and “3” keys on your keyboard for highlighting customers instead of on screen buttons.

You can press "R" to unstuck knife.

You can press "ESC" to pause.


  1. Select customer 1, 2 or 3.
  2. Dip the knife in one of the ingredients / jars.
  3. Use the knife on the bread until a circle indicator appears  under the bread (usually you need to do two spreads).
  4. Pass the sandwich to the customer.


Hubertus248 (Best score 308), 

rusenne (Best score 240),

Soleod (Best score 204)


Interstellar Panini Panic Game Design Document.pdf 53 kB

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